Name: Nataša Bon Maiden name: Gavrilović Date of birth: 15. 08. 1979. Place of birth: Osijek, Croatia Current position: Senior research associate/Associate research professor Affiliation: Astronomical Observatory, Volgina 7, 11060, Belgrade, Serbia Phone: +381-11-3089-068 Fax: +381-11-2419-553
ORCID:0000-0002-3462-4888 Number of citations on 14/10/2022 (according to NASA ADS) exclusing self-citations:>520 H-index:12
Martial: Married
Number of children: 2
2011 - Ph.D. in Physics and Astrophysics, L'Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France, Thesis title:"The contribution of stellar populations in AGN spectra",
2008 - M.Sc. in Astronomy, Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Thesis title:"Emission line asymmetry in AGN: the cases of Mrk 533 and Mrk 110",
2004 - B.Sc. in Astronomy, Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade
2020 - Associate research professor, Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
2012 - Assistant research professor, Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
2009 - Junior research assistant, Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
2008 - Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade
- from 2011 - 176001: "Astrophysical Spectroscopy of Extragalactic Objects" (financed by Ministry of Science, Serbia)
- 2007 - 146002: "Astrophysical Spectroscopy of Extragalactic Objects"
- COST Action MP0905 (oc-2009-1-4261): "Black Holes in a Violent Universe"
- Virtual Observatory as a tool for investigations of origin of galaxies (project in the frame of Serbian-France scientific cooperation, program Pavle Savic) 2006-2007
2006-2009: Grant from French Embassy in Belgrade, for the PhD thesis in Lyon, France.
2013 - Annual award for the scientific results as a young researcher on the Astronomical Observatory In Belgrade.
Membership in scientific associations:
International Astronomical Union
National Committee for Astronomy of Serbia
Society of Astronomers of Serbia
Research interests:
Star formation, active galaxies and
quasars, black hole astrophysics, accretion processes,
computational astrophysics
Selected publications:
Bon, N.; Marziani, P.; Bon, Negrete, C. A.; Dultzin, D.; del Olmo, A.; D' Onofrio, M.; Martinez-Aldama, M. L. "Selection of highly-accreting quasars: Spectral properties of FeII emitters not belonging to extreme Population A", 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 635, 151
Bon, E., Jovanović, P.; Marziani, P.; Shapovalova, A. I.; Bon, N.; Borka Jovanović, V.; Borka, D.; Sulentic, J.; Popović, L. C.., "The First Spectroscopically
Resolved Sub-parsec Orbit of a Supermassive Binary Black Hole", 2012, Astrophysical Journal, 759, 118, 8
Bon, E. Zucker, S.; Netzer, H.; Marziani, P.; Bon, N.; Jovanović, P.; Shapovalova, A.
I.; Komossa, S.; Gaskell, C. M.; Popović, L. C.; Chavushyan, V. H.; Burenkov, A. N.;
Sergeev, S.; La Mura, G.; Valdes, J. R.; Stalevski, M., "Evidence for Periodicity in 43 year-long Monitoring of NGC 5548", 2016, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Vol. 225, Issue 2, article id. 29, pp. 15
Li, Yan-Rong; Wang, Jian-Min; Zhang, Zhi-Xiang; Wang, Kai; Huang, Ying-Ke; Lu,
Kai-Xing; Hu, Chen; Du, Pu; Bon, Edi; Ho, Luis C.; Bai, Jin-Ming; Bian, Wei-Hao;
Yuan, Ye-Fei; Winkler, Hartmut; Denissyuk, Eduard K.; Valiullin, Rashit R.; Bon, Nataša; Popović, Luka C., "A Possible ∼20 yr Periodicity in Long-term Optical Photometric and Spectral Variations of the Nearby Radio-quiet Active Galactic Nucleus Ark 120", Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume, 2019, 241, Issue 2, article id. 33, 14 pp.
Sniegowska, M., Czerny, B., Bon, E., Bon. N. "Possible mechanism for multiple changing-look phenomena in active galactic nuclei", 2020, A&A, 641, 167